Pay attention to poisonous plants

The poisonous plant Poison Sumac is growing in the garden. Its oils and leaves can irritate and create a long-lasting uncomfortable rash on your skin. Pay attention to it and cut it down carefully.

It has shiny leaves that start to turn red on the edges.


1) Pull out vines

<aside> 📌 first step is to clear all the harder rooted parts


Pull out vines and put them into big white trashbags.



You can use tools like a joren to get rid of these:


Bring vines to any farmers who would use them

In Komoro, Vincent enjoys having vines around his vegetable garden (on the far left when you enter his property). You don’t necessarily need to contact him in order to bring them. Vertically stack dried/dead vines around the vegetable garden.


More alive vines you can place to dry next to the little shed (see center-left on the photo).


2) Sort wood

There is a lot of old wood that needs to be sorted into three categories for proper disposal:

  1. Useable (for furniture or other DIY projects)
  2. Processed / trash
  3. Giveaway for Vincent

First separate the first two and keep the good wood in the shed. For trash refer to Waste Management


4) Pull out roots from the edges of the garden

This will help define the borders, and make sure that when you are mowing the lawn, you’re not hitting any tree trunks or rocks

5) Use a grass cutter to weed the bulk of the garden


6) Wait for a day or two to dry, then rake

7) Plan trips to dispose of waste

Refer to Waste Management to decide where to bring the wood and trash. Some can be brought or picked up by Vincent, other wood needs to be brought to trash stations.