There are three categories for of trash that can be disposed of:
Natural wood (branches, roots, or trunks from trees) pieces need to max. 50cm long to be accepted by the Clean Hill to be ground into woodchips.
Only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1pm - 4pm!
Burnable trash (processed woord, glued, trimmed outside, with nails, cut in shape for something) can be brought to Clean Hill in the burnable section. Most of the wood in this picture is processed.
It can be brought to Clean Hill as long as the individual pieces are approximately 50cm.
Estimate whether cost is a factor and if so, put the processed chunks of wood into burnable bags. These can be brought to Clean Hill.
Other trash, like metal or lightweight stuff can be brought to E-stage.
Only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1pm - 4pm!
On the entrance you will be greeted by a person at the counter, she will need a proof of residency and will fill out a form for you. She will also give you a plastic card to track the weight of your car.
When you arrive, the car needs to be weighed at the entrance (1).
You can then drive further to the second warehouse, and back up inside it (2). After you unload the wood, follow the yellow arrow to get weighed again (3). At (4) you can pay the bill and follow the blue arrow to leave.
Unload the wood in this small warehouse.
Open every day 9am until 4pm with a lunch break between 12pm-1pm.
Burnable trash follow a different route, when you turn right directly after coming through the entrance and scale.