💡 we are launching an initiative for fellow + potential akiya owners, as well as our broader community to share resources and collaborate with akiya collective
this doc outlines what different configurations of a partnership might look like
who this is for: people who are looking to purchase akiya, and have not yet. they could have ideas around new regions to explore, or want to purchase an akiya in an already-explored region with existing ties / community
- ownership / collaboration structure for new / looking owners looking to purchase akiya under our brand: the house would be fully owned by the individual, and not akiya collective, but there could be interesting synergies like the following:
- for the owner:
- this project could also help expand the scope of search / leverage the communities in regions we have explored, and as a reference point for city halls
- if in an established region, we could help manage the home / take care of it when the owner isn’t around, or refer subletters in our community who might want to stay and utilize the community akiya / other communal spaces
- we could help out with recruitment for volunteers in the area: blasting out on our social media
- we could also connect artists to do rent-for-art barters
- for akiya collective:
- this could serve as a soft landing pad for new people to get acquainted with the area
- additional satellite location (both during renovation process + also potentially being able to use it for an event from tokyo)
- case study for successful revitalization story
- [depends on configuration with owner] could use some time out of the year to run a residency in our network (we would manage everything, and potentially trade renovations or artwork) → see akiya stewardship section below
1) online support / community
- @Arno Arno
- Jules
- a way to involve community members looking to purchase akiya, utilize our open-source operational docs Akiya Operational Playbook, and improve / add to it through the research
2) support for akiya search in locations with already an AC house
- @Christopher Lim Christopher Lim
- we would like to prioritize akiya collective community members as the first order purchasers for akiyas we discover in the area that are for sale in established locations
- currently, our established location is in komoro, nagano
- here, we will work on building our first neighborhood of community akiya owners who are able to support each other + the network through shared resources, renovation tooling, and excess space for hosting
3) residency explorations in a new region
- with enough interest from the community, we could fund exploration efforts in a new area
- someone would have to be the residency manager (precedent docs here: House Steward Docs) and take charge of running the residency, recruiting participants, and build community partnerships in the area
- if the residency is successful, and we are able to locate a suitable akiya in the area for purchase, the akiya collective may choose to purchase the akiya as a community base / nexus / hub to serve as a living room space for additional akiya clusters in the area
who this is for: people who have recently purchased akiya; these akiyas are likely still in the process of renovation, or if the akiya is already in livable condition, looking to increase its artistic / aesthetic design so that it becomes more interesting
1) renovation help @Jane Pernille Landa Hansen Jane
as akiya collective, it would be great to rally our community members to help revitalize an akiya. it’s also great to have community members get renovation experience, and a look into what rural japan living is like, so they are equipped to understand what it’s like to own / renovate an akiya themselves if they are inspired to do so