pocketlim on discord

<aside> 🔥 To trying our best to be that person in the arena, fighting for their lives and the lives of others that we love, to improve the relationships (especially with oneself, which I struggle with, every day) around us, to leaving the world a better place than when we got here.


Like this but without hair and more cozy clothes 😆

Like this but without hair and more cozy clothes 😆

About me

💻  Worked in tech since 2012 as iOS mobile engineer. You might know of the app I helped will to existence

Currently a professional bum 👺 moonlighting as an AI generative artist 🎨 while playing video games 🎮 and attempting to reconstruct my attention 🧠 due to a mind deeply addled by social media and tech algorithms ▶️

Trying to be more introspective and fucking around with meditation 🧘🏻 to find out how it can benefit myself, and those around me.

I’m trying to change the relationship I have with myself and to be more mindful and aware of how I am feeling at times, so I can avoid letting emotions take control of me, and being a more level headed human to others (thanks to Visakan for his inspiration — the most important person to be friends with… is yourself)

I currently live with my wife and two fuzzy doggos 🐶 in LA

<aside> ⛩️ I’ve always wanted and dreamed of living in Japan, buying (or renting) our own place in the countryside (but far in the future), but having found this group recently, it seems like a no-brainer to align efforts and try and help where I can!




🍵 Tea: jasmine pearl tea, 大紅袍, dong ding 凍頂, and anything with Matcha in it, especially soft serve. (I’m going to spend all my moneys on this when I get to Japan. Please someone find a local matcha soft serve in Nishiizu, I will become a regular immediately)

🎮 Videogames (narrative games are great, deep storylines — think Cyberpunk 2077, but also multiplayer like DMZ, Escape from Tarkov (coop private server edition), Don’t Starve Together, RimWorld, Minecraft)

🚐 I love being out in nature in dispersed spots away from others, and sometimes take my big camper van along for it. Aug thru Dec 2022, drove around the US in a big white camper van visiting friends!