Zuzalu Q2 Grantee Guide

Applying to the short events round: Short Events Round; 55.5 ETH in available funding


  1. 50 people that are there for most of the time

    1. this could include locals
  2. 3-6 week duration
  3. focus on Zuzalu topcs - desci, longevity, ai, network states, public goods, zk
  4. entirely occur in 2024
  5. submitted by wallet that has a ZuPass NFT


Here are the Questions for the Gitcoin Events rounds:

Name of your event?

Share the public communication channels for your event (website, social media, messenger groups, email)

Name of the person responsible for the event and the duration of their Zuzalu/ZuConnect attendance

Duration of the event, in consecutive days

Numbers of long-term attendees the event is reasonably expecting to host

Groups of Zuzalu thought-schools the event is substantially dedicated to

Elements that dedicate the event substantially to these thought-schools

Elements of obligated compliance of attendees towards event design (required actions or prerequisites to attain event, limitations to opt-in customs on event)