<aside> 💡 The Tsuji Residence is currently not under consideration, but the initial pitch is archived for posterity. See AKIYA lore & history interview with Michelle for more info!


An ancient Japanese compound older than the Constitution of the United States, this residence was passed down through 16 generations of the Tsuji clan. A culturally significant relic located just north of Kyoto, the Japanese government requested to preserve the property as a national heritage site. However Mr. Tsuji, the last living descendant, insisted on a private sale so that he could choose who would carry on the Tsuji legacy.

After extensive research and discussions, we’re honored to have been chosen as the next generation of caretakers to renovate the property into a vibrant community space for both local and international artisans, builders and creatives. Our mission is to transform the Tsuji residence into a container for human flourishing, seamlessly blending deep cultural heritage with modern creative endeavors. Provided the serenity of nature, vibrancy of a multidisciplinary community and freedom to experiment, fail and persevere, could we design a new paradigm of modern living?

We have only one month to raise the funds to capitalize on this once in a lifetime opportunity. Will you join us?

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Here’s the plan


Phase One: Today, we are working to fund the very first AKIYA house, located in northern Kyoto. This house will serve as our headquarters and proof of concept. We will transform the compound into a vibrant community space, 15+ guest residence, and economic hub (vacation stay, art residency, builder house, agriculture, beer brewing and more).

Funded by the confluence of community, grants and private patrons, the house will be fully governed by all members of the community. Initial activities will center on renovating the property, hosting artist residencies and facilitating web3 initiatives. We will also host events & temporary houses at art/tech conferences around the world, showcasing Japanese culture and food, to attract new members and partners.

Phase Two: We will expand our presence in Japan by renting/purchasing houses (akiya) for our members to stay in. We’ve already received requests to manage properties owned by both private citizens and local municipalities. Members will pay monthly rent, discounted for AKIYA digital membership holders. Managing homes across Japan will dramatically increase our physical and cultural footprint, growing the AKIYA brand and increasing the real-world value of the AKIYA citizenship.

⭐ AKIYA partners (web3 protocols, startups, art curators, VCs) can tap into our physical infrastructure to reach a targeted user base of artists, builders and creatives. With deep roots in the Japanese ecosystem, we offer a catered gateway into a market rich with cultural IP, human capital and immense potential.

Phase Three: After establishing a firm foothold in Japan, AKIYA will begin international expansion, revitalizing historic properties near major cities in Europe and South America. By offering a global constellation of properties inhabited by a diverse mix of artists, builders and creatives, all freely accessible via a single membership, we will drive massive value to the AKIYA ecosystem and citizenship, accelerating the AKIYA flywheel.

Business Model

The AKIYA Flywheel

  1. Users purchase the AKIYA membership pass to gain access to the community, physical spaces and events
  2. AKIYA hosts artist residencies, builder spaces and epic events around the world
  3. The AKIYA membership appreciates in price reflecting the increased utility; capital flows to AKIYA treasury via token royalties (10% of secondary sales)
  4. AKIYA expands to new physical locations, hosts more events and forms cross-pollinating partnerships with both web3 and international ecosystems, driving massive utility and enticing new users to join the community.

Structuring the citizenship as an digital asset enables us to seamlessly scale supply of locations and events based on increasing user demand. The growth of AKIYA will not be driven by speculation but by scaling real world utility for all stakeholders. We’re committed to building a project with sensible revenue sources, aligned incentives and legitimate, global utility.
