💡 These are optional, ‘filler’ activities if folks have time/capacity after Akiya projects.
- [ ] Bug-repellant citric mix around window sills (cedarwood chips/peppermint+lavendar+eucalyptus
- [x] Inspect downstairs under the bathroom area
- [ ] get quotes from a carpenter on repairs for
spring ‘24 and autumn 2023
- [x] get quotes from a plumber on fixing the underbelly of the bathroom
- [x] Take photos of the underbelly of both sides of the house, draft a wet room for winter and ask for a quote.
- [ ] Cleaning mildew on balcony metal rail (2hrs)
- [ ] Add a fan in the boiler room to ventilate gas or seal the door with a filler
- [ ] Fixing carousel window locks
- [x] Cut grass, 2m around the house + weed killer (90K JPY)
- [x] Sandpaper/smooth downstairs window behind sofa to close
- [ ] Mini landscaping projects at the front of the house - plant (2~3 days, 10,000JPY for plants/tools)
- [ ] Winter:
- [ ] Prune Hydrangeas sticks to help them grow
- [ ] Chrysanthemum for pyrethrin
- [ ] Catnip
- [ ] try putting new paper on sliding fusuma doors (half day, 2,000JPY)
- [x] Wax sliding shoji doors (1hr, free)
- [x] Change light in second tatami room (30mins fitting, free)
- [ ] Bust janky bit blocking bathroom sliding door (0)
- [x] Fix janky closing door separating kitchen and entryway
- [x] Fix janky bathroom door not being able to open or close easily
- [x] drive old laundry machine to the recycling centre (keiko to cover gas)
- [ ] Drilling wheels onto desks on the lower floor (1 day, 10,000JPY)
- [ ] Creating new curtains/bamboo screen for futon storage space (1 day, 5000JPY or free if I can get the material for free)
- [ ] Sand/paint bathroom doors and fusuma doors
- [ ] Building garden stairs or this (2 days, free if I can get the wood for free)
- [ ] Building storage space under house (time/cost TBD)
- [x] Building downstairs furniture from rebuild OR jimoty (time/cost TBD)
Shifted to Next year
- [ ] Sandpapering and varnishing bathroom (2-day, 12,000JPY)
- [ ] Summer
- [ ] Mint (potted) to repel ants
- [ ] lavender (potted) to repel mosquitos
- [ ] Rosemary (potted)
- [ ] citronella grass
- [ ] lemongrass