<aside> 🌎 some relevant questions / answers about where we will be living


What does the purchased house look like? Are there pictures?



More sketches + projected room plan here: Komoro - First House

Additionally, here’s a photo album here (a bunch of photos we took for inspection): https://photos.app.goo.gl/6dyiF9H5jdS5PXQv7

How many volunteers will be working there at one time?

There will be enough accommodations to host 3-4 volunteers at any given point in time; there are additional volunteers in the nearby area or staying offsite who will be able to help out during the day

For the rented akiya, what are accommodations like?

For volunteer accommodations + communal spaces, there are two Japanese-style rooms (6 tatami mats each), one dining room and kitchen, and one spacious living room.



What is provided?

We provide bedding, towels, shampoo, detergent, and rice: Komoro | Packing List

Furniture: desks, tables, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, drying machine, etc

Do I need to pay anything?

If you are not staying with us, or would rather live offsite, you don’t need to pay anything

For those who would like accommodation, the cost is $50 / week — this will cover utilities, some social activities, volunteer tools, gas / transportation, etc. For those who aren’t able to pay this amount, please reach out.

Additionally, during the time you’re here, you can subscribe to a house meal plan ($75 / week), but it’s purely optional and you can purchase your own ingredients separately if you’d like.