<aside> 🚐 Masahiko has said that the best two websites to search for used cars are carsensor.net and goo-net-exchange.com. That’s excellent as those are the two we have started searches with. I’ll add more cars as I come across them, and order them at the top which ones I think are best (but I will double check with Masahiko)



<aside> 💡 Megumi has mentioned that her car, Suzuki Hustler, has a fold flat seats for nature exploration, and so I did some searches for it (twinsies!)

It is decently more expensive, but just thought to give you the option in case you would like that


2016 / 101,000 km / HYBRID / 4WD / 73万円 or ~$4873 / 📍Nagaoka, Niigata

スズキ ハスラー 660 G 4WD ナビ/TV/Bカメラ/ETC/シートヒーター

2016 / 117,000 km / HYBRID / 4WD / 73万円 or ~$4873 / 📍Kitakanbara-gun, Niigata

スズキ ハスラー 660 Gターボ 4WD 4WD BTオーディオ TVナビ ルーフキャリア

2015 / 93,000 km / HYBRID / 4WD / 79.8万円 or ~$5327 / 📍Kitakanbara-gun, Niigata

スズキ ハスラー 660 G 4WD 4WD 関東仕入 ドラレコ レーダーブレーキ

<aside> 🔍 Searches centered on Nagano area


2017 / 83,000 km / HYBRID / 4WD / 62万円 or ~$4158 / 📍Aokijima, Nagano

スズキ ワゴンR HYBRID FZ 4WD