
Priorities - work in progress

Content = Whitepaper/Playbook

Content created in the form and contribution to the Whitepaper/Playbook. Formated towards possibility of shared content online and documentation of our Journey at the same time.

Physical informs the content, real connection and realworld building …

shared and distilled into value and information for others. Value multiplied by reach and inspiring others.

Authentic and lasting value in a world full of noise. Showing possibility, aesthetic and good values.

Always looking for the good.

The Playbook/Whitepaper as a organically growing Index of our shared knowledge, like us building, constantly updated and enriched by everyone contributing. Providing true value multiplied for everyone on the globe. At the same time documentation and content and a measure of progress for our community journey. Value and knowledge passing through what we build is organically multiplied into something beautiful. Physical and Digital. A new mental model of what people think of terms like "Metaverse" etc. And all while solving realworld problems.

Generating Hype