1. Name

The name of the organization is Akiya Collective, referred to as “the organization” throughout this document.

2. Aims / Purpose

The aims of the organization are:

  1. To address the vacant house social issue in Japan

  2. To purchase and renovate these underutilized spaces into a decentralized network of creative residencies and installations

  3. To build more areas for residencies, retreats, and sabbaticals

  4. To create more economic and educational opportunities in and revitalize local areas sustainably, powered by a digital community

  5. To cultivate a network state for people to explore alternative economies

3. Formal Membership

  1. The committee members of the organization will be the members of the organization and have voting rights.
  2. Any committee member who ceases to be a committee member automatically ceases to be a member of the organization.
  3. Committee membership is not transferable to anyone else.
  4. Every committee member shall have one vote.
  5. Committee memberships are to be renewed every [two] years.

4. Associate Members

In addition to formal membership, the organization may have Associate members.

  1. Associate Membership is open to individuals who support the aims of the organization.
  2. The committee may refuse an application for Associate membership if, acting reasonably and properly, they consider it to be in the best interests of the organization
  3. the committee must inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for the refusal within [21] days of the decision