Goal: defined residency task


Wednesday trip to 東伊豆

to do: set up a meeting, connect AkiyaDAO to revitalization non-profit, learn about events/projects that we can contribute

to write: summary from the meeting + next steps


  1. visit a farm in 西伊豆 introduced by an indie bookstore in Tokyo

    Michelle is free to go today after 2pm, tmr evening - afternoons in general

    goal: connect Michelle/someone from AkiyaDAO someone with the farm people

  2. visit the fish market

  3. potentially collaborate with Zik (who uses web3 to change how people exchange goods in local communities, stations in Chiang Mai and other places around the world, more diverse ways of self-identification, global citizen, contribute back to the community https://thenetworkstate.com/)

  4. Help translate AkiyaDAO’s website

Michelle: town hall people wanted to see how we can be a resource to them too

translate AkiyaDAO materials into Japanese, make business cards


research background info

talk to existing leads, izakaya, restaurant, coworking place